Geriatric Medicine Society of Malta

The society is committed to improving the health and well-being of older persons.  It is a non-profit and autonomous organisation for physicians working with, and dedicated to the provision of quality healthcare for, older persons. The Society aims to provide leadership for professionals and aids efforts in developing, implementing and advocating programs in patient care, […]

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Għaxaq Folk Group

The Għaxaq Folk Group is a non-profit organisation that started in December 2005. The main aim of the group is that children, teenagers and youths together with their parents and/or guardians, use folk music to bring to diverse audiences a rich and varied repertoire that entertains, provokes, inspires and educates. The choir members have to […]

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Soroptimist International Malta

Soroptimist International Malta – is a Service Club working to transform the lives of women and girls through the three E’s: Educate, Empower, Enable – was chartered in 1993 as part of the federation Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) within the worldwide organization Soroptimist International – contributes regularly and consistently to local […]

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Għaqda Mużikali Sant’ Elena

Li tqajjem interess u kuxjenza dwar il-wirt storiku u kulturali rappreżentat mil-Bażilika ta’ Sant’Elena Birkirkara. Li torganizza attivitajiet kulturali u laqgħat ta’ informazzjoni biex teduka u iżżid l-interess f’dan ir-rigward. Li taħdem favur finanzjament ta’ restawr, kemm l-ghaqda waħidha u kemm ma oħrajn skont il-ħtieġa. Toħroġ fondi għal xogħolijiet ta’ arti għal gewwa l-istess knisja […]

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