St. Jeanne Antide Foundation

The St Jeanne Antide Foundation, SJAF is an autonomous body, with legal personality as a foundation, publicly registered as a not-for-profit NGO, set up and endowed by the Malta province of the Sisters of Charity of St Jeanne Antide Thouret. The Foundation and its services with vulnerable persons and carers are governed and run by […]

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Fondazzjoni Wirt Vendriż

Biex flimkien inkattru l-interess u r-rispett lejn il-wirt naturali u storiku li għaddewlna l-Vendriżi ta’ qabilna, sabiex nindokrawh u ngħadduh lill-Vendriżi ta’ warajna fl-aħjar stat possibbli, f’kull livell tas-soċjetà u fl-isfond ta’ żvilupp sostenibbli. […]

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The New Choral Singers

3.1 The Choir has the following objects: a) To promote, improve and develop public appreciation of the art of music in all its aspects by the presentation to the public of choral and orchestral concerts and recitals, and by such other means as the Choir may decide upon from time to time; b) To promote […]

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