Grupp Armar, Parroċċa Madonna tal-Grazzja, Ħaż-Żabbar A.D. 1988

Il-Grupp tal-Armar tal-Parroċċa ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar ilu mwaqqaf mill-1988 bil-għan illi jieħu ħsieb l-armar tat-toroq u pjazez ewlenin fi żmien il-festa titulari tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja. Minħabba li l-festa tkun f’Settembru matul iż-żminijiet intilef ħafna armar propju minħabba l-istess maltemp. Il-membri ta’ dan il-grupp jaħdmu sabiex iżommu fi stat tajjeb l-armar antik filwaqt li jaħdmu fuq proġetti ġodda […]

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Academy of Givers

The Academy of Givers is the first of its kind in Malta, dedicated to making a real difference by providing a platform for like-minded people to come together, to learn, inspire and be inspired. We aim to improve Philanthropic and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. […]

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Malta Sport For All

Organization is an apolitical and non-confessional association which aim is to promote, to organise, to regulate and to spread the sport practice among all people, both amateur and elite level, including all disabilities, in particular to blind and partially sighted people, people affected by intellectual and relational disability, people affected by cerebral paralysis and wheelchair […]

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Pro Sports Academy

Our vision at Pro Sports Academy is to build an academy that is recognised on a local and international level. An academy that works with the local talent, clubs and association to identify grass-root talent and encourage their growth. Our focus is to develop holistic programmes which encompass academics and sports development for the team […]

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San Giljan ASC

San Giljan ASC is one of the main Aquatic clubs on the island. With a history of over 70 years, the club competes in the local water polo tournaments and also Swimming Competition.   […]

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