The SailCoach Foundation

The Foundation is a non-profit making organisation established for the following purposes and objects: To advance the education in the sport of sailing of young people by the provision of support assistance and encouragement (so as to enable them to fulfil their potential); To advance the education, development and improvement of young people (mainly) through the […]

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Erasmus Student Network Malta

The Erasmus Student Network is Europe’s largest youth organization and is a key volunteer organization within the international education sphere. ESN is present in 42 countries in over 550 higher education institutions, and ESN Malta represents the smallest country in the Network! We are one of the loudest, most vibrant and exciting communities on the Maltese Islands. Here at ESN Malta, we […]

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Genbukan Malta

The Dojo was initiated to be dedicated to the practice of authentic Ninpo Taijutsu and Samurai Arts as taught directly by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura Sensei, to honor our martial forefathers and to walk the true path of a warrior. We do this every Monday and Wednesday in our Authentic Ninpo Taijutsu and Kokusai Jujutsu classes […]

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Klabb Regatt Birzebbuga is a rowing club situated in the South of Malta. The club participates in all Regattas organised true the year. The club was first founded in 1971 and re-founded in 2004. Since 2004 the club established it self as one of the major clubs in most of the competitions. A thing that […]