ISACA Malta Chapter

The aim of the Chapter is to provide members education, resource sharing, professional networking and a host of other benefits on a local level. Another primary objective of the Chapter is to promote advocacy with the business, regulatory and academic communities in Malta, so as to elevate the visibility of the IT audit, security, governance […]

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The P.Cutajar Foundation

a. To assist in whatever manner possible charitable organizations; b. To support education, recreation and rehabilitation programmes for underprivileged children and for schools in economically deprived areas through charitable sponsorship; c. To support voluntary cultural and heritage organizations; d. To provide funding or other forms of support to deserving causes, individuals or groups of individuals; […]

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Society for Investigating the Credibility of Extraordinary Claims

1. To investigate and analyse scientifically, objectively and rationally claims of phenomena or manifestations that seem to be of an extraordinary and/or paranormal nature. 2. To establish whether a phenomenon exists before trying to search for an explanation. Anecdotal evidence cannot be accepted as scientific unless it is supported. When various possibilities are considered, the […]

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Wikimedia Community Malta

1. to encourage the uptake of Wiki activity amongst Maltese communities, particularly, but not exclusively, through Wikimedia projects; 2. to develop an open, Wiki-based platform through which collective and cultural memory can be preserved and debated; 3. to encourage awareness of and critical debate about Malta’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage across online media and […]

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Malta PSD Association

The Association is independent, non-governmental, non-profit making and non-political. The purpose of the Association is the development and advancement of the theory, practice, education and research in Personal and Social Development (PSD). The Association also commits itself to maintain equality of opportunity and to ensure that there is no discrimination on the grounds of race, […]

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Information and Communication Technology Students’ Association

To represent ICT students who are members of the association in accordance with the other provisions of this Statute A general and constant availability to the needs of all students To represent its members on a national and international level To promote the improvement of academic standard To promote Information and Communications Technology on a […]

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Graphic Novels Library Malta

An NGO and Youth Organization that uses comics and pop-culture for education, to promote literacy by making learning fun through the use of comics, graphic novels, pop-culture, movies and TV series. Aims: To promote Literacy and Information Literacy tools through comics and graphic novels. To promote cultural awareness in other mediums such as Films, Arts […]

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