Pitkalija Outlet Project – call for VOs to manage outlet

 The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is collaborating with the Malta Food Agency and Agenzija Sapport to offer a new business opportunity to a voluntary organisation/s. The venture involves managing a commercial outlet at the Pitkalija market to sell unsold produce to domestic buyers. A voluntary organisation or partnering voluntary organisations will be chosen […]

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MCVS awarded Active Ageing Award for project CLIVE

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector was awarded the Innovation and Technology in Active Ageing Award 2023 during the Active Ageing Awards 2023 organised by Active Ageing and Community Care, which event was under the patronage of H.E. the President of Malta Dr. George Vella. The award is intended for initiatives helping seniors to […]

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VERA Research Project – participate in our Focus Groups

Deadline Thursday 26th October 2023 The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector will be part taking in the VERA project, a European research project financed by the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) to identify all the discriminating factors which hinder the involvement of volunteers in the voluntary sector. This research is aimed to determine; •             […]

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Voluntiera Malta at various events

Thank you to volunteers from Voluntiera Malta who helped out at the Mental Health Awareness Concert organised by Walk & Talk, at the JCI Malta expo, and at the Villa Portelli Open Weekend at Kalkara last weekend, where MCVS also had a stand with information on volunteering and funding opportunities. Join Voluntiera MALTA and take part in future events […]

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L-applikazzjonijiet għall-iskema VOPS jagħlqu din il-ġimgħa

Numru ta’ proġetti f’Għawdex jibbenefikaw minn skemi ta’ finanzjament għall-għaqdiet volontarji Matul din is-sena u s-sena li għaddiet, diversi għaqdiet volontarji Għawdxin, fosthom soċjetajiet mużikali u oħrajn fis-settur tal-inklużjoni, ibbenefikaw minn madwar €110,000 f’fondi permezz tal-iskemi ta’ finanzjament Volontary Organisations Projects Scheme (VOPS) u Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS). Dawn l-iskemi ta’ finanzjament huma mmexxija […]

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J.O.Y.S Programme for Youth Volunteers

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is collaborating with Right 2 Smile to bring youth volunteers monthly workshops supporting their self-development and well-being. This month, the overall aim of the workshop is to promote awareness and understanding of human rights. Through engaging activities like charades, brainstorming, and reflection, the workshop aims to encourage participants […]

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VERA Research Project – request for VO participation

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector will be part taking in the VERA project, a European research project financed by the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) to identify all the discriminating factors which hinder the involvement of volunteers in the voluntary sector. This research is aimed to determine; This research will aid MCVS to […]

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Capacity Building Session – Marketing & Digital Media

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is collaborating with Cyberspace to provide 2 training sessions dedicated to Marketing and Digital Media. Please find more details regarding the training below:  Content: The sessions will consist of information regarding the below mentioned points which lead to effective  marketing and digital media practices: 1. Introduction to Marketing2. Understanding […]

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