KA2 EGT Result: Online Catalogue for European Volunteers

KA2 European Grand Tour Result: Online Catalogue for European Volunteers One of the results of the KA2 Erasmus+ project in which MCVS participated: Calling all young Europeans! We’re delighted to announce the arrival of one of the most important results of our KA2 project ”EUROPEAN GRAND TOUR” ! THE ONLINE CATALOGUE OF NATIONAL AND EUROPEAN […]

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Pitkalija Outlet Project – information meeting

MCVS is collaborating with the Malta Food Agency and Agenzija Sapport to offer a new business opportunity to a voluntary organisation/s. The venture involves managing a commercial outlet at the Pitkalija market to sell unsold produce to domestic buyers. A voluntary organisation or partnering voluntary organisations will be chosen to manage the outlet as well […]

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Call to host volunteers under the Youth Engage Programme

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) is currently inviting voluntary organisations, enrolled and compliant with the Office of the Commissioner for VOs, to submit their interest in hosting vulnerable youth volunteers under the Youth Engage Scheme. The Youth Volunteer [Engage] Scheme is managed by MCVS in collaboration with Aġenzija Sapport and its aim […]

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J.O.Y.S Programme for Youth Volunteers

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is collaborating with Right 2 Smile to bring youth volunteers monthly workshops supporting their self-development and well-being. In the month of December, the overall aim of the workshop will be to promote awareness and understanding of the art of active listening, non-verbal communication, and empathetic dialogue to improve […]

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Gdańsk Youth VOs in Malta – Meet-up Opportunity

MCVS is collaborating with the Gdańsk Council of NGOs with the aim of establishing contacts between Polish and local NGOs that work with/for young people by organising visits between the two countries. A few members from Morena Association in Gdańsk will be coming to Malta on a networking visit between the 12th and 15th December […]

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Stqarrija mill-MCVS rigward il-miżuri tal-baġit

MT: Stqarrija mill-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat rigward il-miżuri tal-baġit Il-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat bi pjaċir jinnota żewġ miżuri fil-baġit li ser jiġu implimentati mill-2024.   L-ewwel miżura hija l-eżenzjoni ta’ taxxi sa massimu ta’ €500 lill-kumpaniji u ażjendi li jissapportjaw permezz ta’ donazzjonijiet lis-settur tal-volontarjat fl-osqma soċjali, ambjentali u l-ħarsien tal-annimali. Din il-miżura kienet ilha […]

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Capacity Building Session – PR and Communications

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is collaborating with Marco Ambrogio to provide 2 training sessions dedicated to Public Relations and Communications. Please find more details regarding the training below:  Content: The sessions will consist of information regarding the below mentioned points which lead to effective PR and communications practices:1. Introduction to PR and Communications2. […]

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J.O.Y.S. workshop on understanding human rights

💪🎉 MCVS held another workshop part of the self-development programme J.O.Y.S (Journey of Youth Self-Development). Topic was related to Understanding Human Rights. ℹ➡️ Participants were youth volunteers actively helping out in the community and/or are involved with a voluntary organisation in Malta or Gozo. 🔗Anyone interested to join next activities can contact volunteer@maltacvs.org. […]

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Third one-stop-shop officially inaugurated

The third one-stop-shop was inaugurated in Rabat (Malta), which will complement the ones in Valletta and Birkirkara. Managed by MCVS within the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights, these one-shop-shops serve as a point of reference for VOs regarding services and funding programs that they can apply for and as assistance to VOs […]

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VERA Research Project – VO Questionnaire is out!

MCVS will be taking part in the VERA project, a European research project financed by the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) to identify all the discriminating factors which hinder the involvement of volunteers in the voluntary sector. One form of data collection involves an online questionnaire among Voluntary Organisations (VOs). The questionnaire is about volunteers […]

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