National EU Member State P.A.V.E Launch Event
Wednesday 28th March 2012
Dar l-Ewropa, Valletta
The Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe (P.A.V.E) was developed during 2011 by the EYV Alliance Working Groups for P.A.V.E and has subsequently been endorsed by more than 30 EYV 2011 Alliance members (European Networks Active in Volunteering). P.A.V.E provides policy recommendations to relevant stakeholders in volunteering including policy makers at the member state level. In order to follow up on these recommendations the EYV 2011 Alliance project partners at Member State Level are organising national events in order to identify what the member state recommendations mean in different national contexts and what are the next steps towards their implementation.
Hard copies of the PAVE policy document will provided on the day and can also be found at:
9.30: Registration and Coffee
10.00- 11.30 Session 1:
- Aims and objectives of the workshop
- Overview of EYV 2011 and an introduction to P.A.V.E
- Presentation of workshop participants: Including their knowledge and involvement in EYV 2011 and P.A.V.E.
- PAVE in the national context: Discussion with Hon. Chris Said, Minister for Justice, Dialogue and the Family regarding the potential role and implementation of P.A.V.E in Malta.
- The PAVE process and the experience of the working groups: Presentation and discussion with Claudia Taylor-East
- PAVE recommendations and the Policy Document: Presentation and discussion with Lorna Muscat
11.30- 11.45: Coffee Break
11.45- 14.00 Session 2:
- Working groups to look at key aspects and recommendations of PAVE policy in the national context:
- Legal Framework
- Corporate Volunteering
- Quality Volunteering Frameworks
- Communicating P.A.V.E
- Next Steps and commitments in the short, medium and long term for the implementation of PAVE recommendations at National Level.
14.00: Networking Lunch at Nenu the Artisan Baker
The Bakery, 143, St Dominic Street, Valletta