Employment in the Social Economy (ESEP) aims to:
• increase job opportunities for disadvantaged
groups and disabled persons in the labour market
• enhance the financial independence of
disadvantaged persons and prevent social
exclusion and marginalization;
• assist the voluntary sector in enhancing their
capabilities to provide services to those who use
Through this project which is part – financed by the
European Social Fund, the Employment and
Training Corporation (ETC) will be providing
employment grants to organizations whose main
activity is not a commercial one, which seek to
recruit jobseekers falling under certain criteria.
a non-commercial organisation
based in Malta and/or Gozo
You may be eligible to employ full-time and/or
part-time employees to help in the running of your
organization and you will receive a grant at a fixed
rate of €4,500 per annum for full-time employment
or €2,250 per annum for part-time employment.
Interested applicant organisations are to submit
a complete application form together with an
ESEP 03 Vacancy Profile’ form or the ESEP 04
Recruitment Request’ form (depending on whether
they have already identified a potential
candidate or not) together with a copy of the
Voluntary Organisation Certificate and a copy of
the Statute.
If a candidate has already been selected, the
above documents are to be sent together with a
signed CV and a photocopy of the ID card of the
person in hard copy format.
More detailed information on this process is
available on the ESEP Guidelines which together
with all other necessary forms can be
downloaded from the ETC website:
Alternatively you can contact the ESEP Unit and
someone will explain the process and forms
involved in more detail.
The last recruitment must take place by end
March 2013 for the recruitment to be
considered eligible for the Grant. Recruitment
which is initiated after March 2013 cannot be
considered eligible for funding.
Terms and conditions to be followed by the
employer to be eligible for the grant are listed in
the ESEP Guidelines (ESEP 10) that can be
obtained on request from the ETC or
downloaded from the website www.etc.gov.mt