An information Seminar Is going to be held for all those NGO’s, Organisations and Associations who wish to apply for funds under the Youth in Action programme.
The meeting is going to be held at the EUPA Premises on Tuesday 2nd April at 10 am.
A number of training courses for new applicants are also taking place:
1. DEADLINE 8 APRIL 2013 – QMt- Applying with YiA (12-14 April 2013)
2. DEADLINE 01 April 2013 – Guide to YiA- Seminar (19-20 April 2013) (Friday 19th April from 18:00-20:30hrs & Saturday from 9:00-18:00)
3. DEADLINE 05 April 2013- Feeling Involved …Being Involved (26-28 April 2013) (Live-in weekend starting from Friday 26th April from 18:00-Sunday 28th April till 13:00)
4. DEADLINE 05 April 2013- QMt – Project Management (3-5 May 2013)