ENISIE Training Workshops for VOs March

Dear Voluntary Organisations,

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector would like to inform you that the first training workshops for Voluntary Organisations will be held as following :

Fundraising; CrowdfundingWednesday, 16 March 20225pm till 7pm  St. Julians (Location will be confirmed to registered applicants)
Networking and building partnershipsWednesday, 30 March 20225pm till 7pm

Voluntary organisations are being invited to apply for up to 2 representatives to attend these workshops by filling in the following google form: https://forms.gle/ah4Dx53Edpti2q1z8

Volunteers from Gozo may apply and indicate their interest in participating in any particular session and if there is a number of volunteers interested in a particular session, that session may be held again in Gozo at another date.

Applications are to be submitted by not later than 5 working days prior to the workshop in question.

Training is supported under the ENISIE project funded by the Interreg Italia-Malta.