1st Call for Proposals
SOS Malta designated as Fund Operator for the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Malta NGO Programme launched a call for project proposals on the 10th May 2013.
The calls for proposals will cover two priority axes:
PRIORITY AXIS 1: Strengthening of civil society platforms and networks in Malta for the effective representation of civil society organisations at local and national level.
OUTCOME 1: Developed networks and coalitions of NGOs working in partnership.
PRIORITY AXIS 2: Thematic calls for proposals covering focused thematic areas
OUTCOME 2: Democratic Values, including Human Rights, Promoted;
OUTCOME 3: Increased Contribution to Sustainable Development Achieved.
The objective of the NGO Fund is to “strengthen civil society development and to provide support to social justice, democracy and sustainable development.” Total funding available for projects under 1st Call is €198,116.
The deadline for submission of the First Call for Proposals is 12th July at 12 noon local time.
Information sessions Information sessions to assist applicants will be held at SOS Malta offices. Kindly refer to website for registration.
Guidelines for applicants, eligibility criteria and project application forms together with Annexes are available on the website of SOS Malta: http://www.sosmalta.org/firstcallngomaltaprogrammemay2013. For additional information, please send an e-mail to eeamalta@sosmalta.org.