On the 3rd of February 2016 the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector held the 5th SIS Grant Award Ceremony at ‘Dar l-Ewropa’ in Valletta. In this year’s event 100,000 euros were distributed amongst 35 Voluntary Organisations coming from the various areas of the sector which were presented with a maximum sum of 3,000 euros each organisation to undertake their project.
The priorities for this deadline were Volunteering, which is intended to encourage projects aimed at raising awareness of the value and importance of volunteering as a form of active engagement and as a tool to develop or improve competences for personal, social and professional development; Training and Capacity Building, intended to encourage organisations to invest in training and capacity building, both of the members, volunteers and administrators focusing on strengthening the capability of VOs as part of the process of building the potential of voluntary organisations to respond to the needs of the community they serve; Poverty and Social Inclusion, intended to encourage projects addressing the issues of poverty and marginalization and hate speech by focusing on actions such as enhancing awareness and commitment amongst the Maltese society to make it more inclusive. In this context, special emphasis shall be placed on the inclusion of migrants, disabled young people, and other marginalized minorities in fulfilling their potential; Education, intended to
encourage projects addressing the issues related to education with special focus on the support of marginalized and more challenged groups in the Maltese society; and Arts, Culture and Sports, intended to encourage projects to address enhancements of awareness in artistic and cultural heritage amongst the Maltese society. Also projects should encourage local initiatives aimed in raising people’s awareness of the sport sector, highlighting its contribution to healthy lifestyle and social development through an inclusive approach to fulfill the potential of the Maltese citizens.
The grants were presented by the Hon. Helena Dalli, Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties together with Mr Nathan Farrugia, Chairperson MCVS. Minister Dalli congratulated those organisations who were successful and stated that while the Government is doing its utmost to support the sector, it is the sector itself that is the cathalist for new ideas within the community since it is better placed and working closely with the same community.