The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector presented today the to the Hon. Clifton Grima, Parliamentary Secretary for Sports, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations the Report with recommendations related to the Public Collections Act and the Charity Shops Regulations . This report, which was presented by Dr Noel Camilleri, Chairperson MCVS, Mr. Robert Farrugia, Deputy Chairperson MCVS and Mr. Mauro Pace Parascandalo, CEO MCVS, brings together the positions collated from the feedback given to MCVS by the Sector itself as well as its own detailed analysis. Dr Noel Camilleri stated that while the Council emphasizes transparency, good governance and accountability amongst the Sector, one should not put on the Sector burdens which may hinder its voluntary operation. On receiving this document the Hon. Grima declared his commitment as always towards supporting the Sector and declared that he shall be reviewing the Sector’s recommendations and meeting again with the Council to discuss the way forward for the benefit of the same Sector. The report may be viewed in the following link: MCVS Report on Public Collections and Charity Shops Regulations – Final Draft with recommendations