The Lisa Maria Foundation is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation with an over-arching objective to safeguard children and young people from harm. To achieve its objectives, the Foundation will bring together the leaders of the various local institutions to devise and implement proactive strategies to secure a safe and happy environment within which children and young […]


Malta Dyslexia Association

The objects of The Association are to advance the education of persons with a profile of SpLD/LD, which includes profiles such as dyslexia and dyscalculia, and in furtherance of such purposes, but no further or otherwise, The Association shall have the following powers and obligations which shall be processed and managed by the Executive Council, […]

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The Brain Foundation

To improve the social situation of the human being within his own community, in emerging and new markets, through research, identification and study of new resources, even of non-financial nature, to cover issues related to economic sustainable regional development, regional infrastructure, innovation, enhancing skills, learning and education, social entrepreneurship and corporate social entrepreneurship in the […]

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Sponsor My Future

Sponsor My Future is a Maltese non-profit organization which helps underprivileged children in the Ruiru Slums, Kenya to get through school. Donors are able to directly help a child living in the Ruiru slums, Kenya. Through this program, the children are assured continual support until they complete their education or exit the program. Sponsors are […]

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Mental Health Association Gozo

Aims and objectives of the Mental Health Association Gozo • To promote positive mental health and to actively support persons with health illness, their families and cares by identifying their need and advocating their statutory rights. Thus abolishing stigma and promote a holistic approach towards social inclusion. • To safeguard and maintain the mental well-being; […]

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Għaqda Kumittiva Għawdex

The Għaqda Kumittiva Għawdex aim is to keep alive the traditional carnival dance. The word “Kumittiva” actually refers to a collective of musicians commissioned by the local wine bar to play the accompaniment for the dancers. Like the steps of the dance, the musical score is passed on from one generation to the next. It […]

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Ċentru 19 ta’ Novembru 1944

L-għan tagħna huwa li norganizzaw il-Festa f’ġieh Marija Immakulata li ssir fl-Ewwel Ġimgħa ta’ Diċembru f’Bormla. Matul is-sena nieħdu ħsieb li nżommu l-armar fl-aħjar kundizzjoni filwaqt li nagħmlu r-restawr meħtieġ. Minn sena għal oħra nfasslu proġetti ġodda. Matul is-sena wkoll nieħdu ħsieb li norganizzaw diversi attivitajiet bil-għan li niġbru l-fondi meħtieġa. […]

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