Training Initiatives Scheme opening on 22nd February

The Training Initiatives Scheme (TIS) call for proposals 2024 is opening on 22-02-2024 at noon. This is a scheme by which members of Voluntary Organisations (VOs) can obtain financial support for their training. The scheme contains two separate programmes, one for individuals who are members of VOs to attend training, and the other at an […]

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Imnedija l-iskema tat-Training Initiatives għall-membri ta’ għaqdiet volontarji

Skema li se toffri sapport finanzjarju lill-għaqdiet volontarji u anke lill-membri ta’ għaqdiet volontarji fuq bażi individwali Il-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat (MCVS) nieda għal darb’oħra t-Training Initiatives Scheme. Għal din l-iskema hemm allokati €40,000, u permezz tagħha għaqdiet volontarji u membri ta’ għaqdiet volontarji jistgħu jiksbu sapport finanzjarju għat-taħriġ tagħhom. Dan ħabbritu l-Ministru għall-Inklużjoni u […]

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Reform of Voluntary and Not for Profit Sector – Public Consultation meetings

Two Public Consultation meetings, one in Malta and one in Gozo, are being organised in relation to the Public Consultation Document on the Reform of Voluntary and Not for Profit Sector. The meetings are being held as follows:– Saturday 24th February at 10am – at The Grand Hotel Excelsior, Floriana, Malta – registration deadline: Thursday 22nd at February […]

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Reform of Voluntary and Not for Profit Sector – Public Consultation launched

A reform of the voluntary sector has been launched for public consultation with the aim of strengthening the current legislative framework and reducing bureaucracy. With this reform, each VO will be differentiated according to their size, turnover and purpose in terms of the requirements placed on the organisation. The document is accessible HERE. Suggestions and […]

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Housing Development Fund

MCVS is currently collaborating with the Housing Development Fund within the Ministry for Social & Affordable Accommodation to promote this fund, which aims to reinvest the money awarded to create sustainable community projects around the new social housing. The fund was established through the contribution of the Housing Authority. All registered and compliant VOs are welcome […]

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Capacity Building – Policy Development

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is collaborating with the Office of the Commissioner for VOs to provide 2 training sessions dedicated to Policy Development. Please find more details regarding the training below: Content:The seminar aims to train VOs in policy development as follows:1.    Why is policy development important for VOs?2.    The relationship between […]

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