The latest tool for the Voluntary Organisations was launched on the 5th of December 2011 during the closing event of the European Tour in Malta. As part of its EU funded project for the year, the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector commissioned a web Site which should serve as a tool for the sector, providing a database to list opportunities, matching individuals and corporate volunteers with Voluntary Organisations. The web site will provide updated information essential to the VO’s and will be regularly updated. This web site will be complimented with the other project which has also been finalised, which is that of the Voluntary Directory, a tool consisting of the information of over a 1000 Voluntary Organisations both enrolled and not enrolled with the Commissioner for Volunatry Organisation. The VO Directory will also form an integral part of this web portal.
We encourage all Voluntary Organisations and Voluteers, as well as companies and prospective volunteers to register and become a registered member of the web site. The web site is linked to social networks such as facebook and twitter, keeping you informed of all the latest news and opportunity postings through these networks.