Call for VOs to organise Basic First Aid Courses

MCVS has issued a call to financially support First Aid Courses organised by VOs. More information and form to apply HERE. Preference will be given to VOs which have not benefitted from the previous two calls. VOs wishing to participate in this initiative are invited to fill in the form by not later than noon of […]

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Malta Speed Networking

Following popular demand, the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector is hosting a Speed Networking event with the aim of enabling Voluntary Organisations to connect with each other. During the event, members and volunteers will be able to meet and network to share their experiences and possibly create collaboration opportunities. The event is open to VOs […]

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MCVS visits H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono

 L-E.T. il-President Spiteri Debono laqgħet żjara ta’ korteżija minn membri tal-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat. Waqt il-laqgħa, il-membri tal-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat spjegaw l-għan tal-kunsill li jirrappreżenta l-għaqdiet volontarji f’Malta u Għawdex, filwaqt li jiffaċilita l-ħidma tal-għaqdiet volontarji permezz ta’ assistenza amministrattiva, opportunitajiet ta’ finanzjament u attivitajiet u avvenimenti ta’ tisħiħ tal-kapaċitajiet.  H.E. President Spiteri Debono […]

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Request for Quotations – For the provision of training and mentoring

Request for Quotations – For the provision of training and mentoring in support of voluntary organisation capacity building Interested parties are to submit their proposal on, clearly indicating in the subject of the email: RFQ: for the provision of training and mentoring in support of voluntary organisation capacity building. Proposals must be submitted by […]

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Voluntiera Malta assists VOs during One-Time Events

Are you finding it a challenge to find enough volunteers to help you during your events and activities? We can help you! As part of its commitment to help the voluntary sector, MCVS assists VOs which are finding it a challenge to find enough volunteers to help them during their events and activities. Voluntiera Malta – a local […]

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New University-level course launched on Volunteering Studies

The University of Malta and MCVS have signed an agreement through which an Undergraduate Certificate Course in Volunteering Studies was launched for the first time. The launch of this educational course was made by the Minister for Inclusion and Volunteering Julia Farrugia Portelli and the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima, […]

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Hosting European Youth volunteers 2024/2025

Expression of Interest Are you interested in hosting European Youth Volunteers with your VO? MCVS serves as a Lead Organisation within the European Solidarity Corps. This role enables us to coordinate the recruitment of European youth volunteers, submit grant applications, and manage all logistics and expenses related to their accommodation, food, and travel. The European […]

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