Gozo Cycling Club

OBJECTIVES a) To promote, develop and foster the sport of cycling including triathlon in all its variations and at all levels , particularly (but not only) in the island of Gozo b) To develop and foster a spirit of comradeship and loyalty to the Club and its members c)To promote the highest standards of sportsmanship, […]

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The aims of Extend are: – Create social and educational projects for children and youths. – Adhere to the principles of non-formal and informal education. […]

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L-iskopijiet ta’ SKA huma li ġejjin: • Tħarreġ individwi fil-prattika tal- Arti Marzjali tal-Karate, speċifikament l-istil ‘Shotokan’. • Tħarreġ individwi sabiex jibnu karattru sod, responsabbli, u mhux vjolenti. • Tiprovdi ambjent sigur, dixxiplinat u addaddat għall-fini ta’ prattika tal-Arti Marzjali għall- kull membru mingħajr distinzjoni bejn sess, eta`, reliġjon u etniċita. • Tassigura li l-livell […]

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Great Oak Malta Association

Great Oak Malta Association, is an autonomous, voluntary, non-profit making Organisation for the purpose of conducting social activities for its members and third parties, in the fields of solidarity, cooperation for development, international solidarity, training, education, theatre and music. The aim is to carry out Advocacy activity “to give voice to the unvoiced”, denouncing through […]

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Luxol Sports Foundation

Luxol Sports Foundation is a voluntary organisation that encourages and promotes sports excellence within Malta and abroad and engages with young people and adults to encourage participation in sports, to help them improve their quality of life and to promote public awareness about a healthier lifestyle through physical activities and outdoor recreation. The Foundation has […]

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Maltese Association of Target Shooters and Arms Collectors

MATSAC aims to promote and safeguard the interests of all Shooting Sports, Weapon & Ammunition Collecting and Militaria. MATSAC shall maintain an active approach in promoting safe and legal practices thus ensuring participation of a safe and successful nature at shooting venues organised by MATSAC, its affiliates or any other Association or Organisation both locally […]

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Financial Markets Association Malta

The aims of the Financial Markets Association Malta shall be to promote good fellowship among financial markets professionals in Malta, to provide opportunities for its members to meet for both educational and social purposes so that it may better play a constructive role in maintaining the high degree of professional and ethical conduct amongst those […]

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Malta Association of Play Therapists

To establish the play therapy profession in its own merit. To establish standards and regulations. To self regulate the profession. To set ethical standards of the profession. To advance the professional practice and encourage research and development in the field of Play Therapy. To cooperate with educational bodies to advance members’ standings. To Cooperate with […]

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Malta Maritime Forum

The Malta Maritime Forum (MMF) is a non-governmental organisation established in October 2015 with a vision to champion all matters related to the Maltese Maritime Industry and the Blue Economy and to serve as a common platform for those Malta-based entities that are involved in the maritime, logistical and transport industry in Malta. This platform […]

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The aim of Rima shall be the exploration of the multifaceted aspects of migration and exile through a series of creative and multidisciplinary initiatives, in collaboration with Maltese and foreign artists and scholars, and the migrants themselves. The Organisation shall have the following objectives: – To collect and record narratives of displaced people about their […]

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